(What I’m thinking)︎︎︎

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

–– Jimi Hendrix

Résumé (upon request)

#eye #eye

©2024 limikyski. All rights reserved.

The New Reality

Our language is base on our acknowledge of our realties, it contains walls. Speaking a language restricts our thought and our mind to a specific format. So does our behavior. Essentially, we are limited by our reality. we are unable to think out side of the box. How we behave is sort of been determined. Mantis shrimp eye contains 12 color receptors, while Humans and most other animals use three color-receptors to see the spectrum of light.
    The reality from their eyes must be very different from ours. We do not share the same common sense. Even if they are capable to speak. We won’t able understand their description about the world because we cannot imagine a color that we have never seen before.

Special thanks to:
Sean Adams

A website with depth. A website that is a site that can be visit.
I started my design process by asking myself the question of what can only been done here in this new reality. What if we are no longer trap in our current physical form, and have 4 pairs eyes viewing an object from all angle simultaneously? Am I able to create an experience beyond the time and space.