(What I’m thinking)︎︎︎

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

–– Jimi Hendrix

Résumé (upon request)

#eye #eye

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Smash.GG is a company that utilizes software to improve the Smash and fighting game experience for organizers, streamers, players, and spectators overall. They host and support tournaments with features such as registration, brackets, rankings, and compendiums. In this case, they serve as the sub-brand of E3 and will be running an E-sport tournament during the event. Since two brands are under the same umbrella, the visual follows along with the guideline from E3, but it also has a different approach at the same time. Color is reduced compared with the leading brand, but they still share the same image treatment and energy.

Special thanks to:
Rudy Manning, Ivan Cruz, and Roy Tatum