(What I’m thinking)︎︎︎

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

–– Jimi Hendrix

Résumé (upon request)

#eye #eye

©2024 limikyski. All rights reserved.


The project is about Nihilism and Alternative Comedy. Nihilism is the philosophical viewpoint that suggests the denial of the meaning of life, which argues that life is without meaning, purpose, or value. Therefore, logic can lead us to nowhere.
    And speaking of comedy, What is it? Humor is where two or more features of the world fail to reach consistency. This view can be traced back to Aristotle – “We tend to find things funny when they involve inconsistency”. Scientifically, to effectively manage resources, our brains stay a few steps ahead of what we are hearing—estimating the possible outcomes. But after discovered, we are being told a joke, and none of those expectations are correct. So all those neural network energy needs to release, which makes us Laugh.
    Hence, we can comedy another form and also a physical execution of the idea of Nihilism.